Technopolitics of Fronts

Technopolitics of Fronts

  • A broad-based intervention for the militant emancipatory defence of the need for community constraint of harmful algorithmic systems and their surrounding political projects, through the mechanism of the communitarian assembly, a bottom-up, horizontal structure that functions as a means to unite the spaces of technical concern and collective action.
  • Posted: Jul 17, 2024. Modified: Aug 30, 2024
Graphic: © Algorithmic Sabotage Research Group | The typeface used is Avara from Velvetyne Foundry:

Context #

“Nothing’s more important than stopping fascism, because fascism will stop us all.” — Fred Hampton, Black Panther Party1

In order to regain our techno-political dangerousness and reestablish collective subjectivity in the context of contemporary technologies, the Algorithmic Sabotage Research Group (ASRG) challenges existing assumptions and patterns of political action by organising a broad-based intervention for the militant emancipatory defence of the need for community constraint of harmful algorithmic systems and their surrounding political projects, through the mechanism of communitarian assembly, a bottom-up, horizontal structure that functions as a means to unite the spaces of technical concern and collective action.

This intervention represents a cell in the social field of liberation, manifesting an internationalist strategy that fights for the techno-political unity and posits the necessity of reconstructing the combative algorithmic agency and resistance not as episodic, but as ingrained into the very fabric of our everyday experiences, through the implementation of an alternative vision of togetherness, characterised by a committed, boundless and non-opportunistic solidarity, structured on clear political lines and horizontal procedures. The practical effects of this approach are most determined by those individuals with the closest proximity to the immediate experience.

The communitarian assembly on “Technopolitics of Fronts” is a nomadic intervention and a movement-building mechanism based on an action-oriented commitment to mutual constituting solidarity, anti-fascist radical care and the application of feminist and decolonial methodologies, with the objective of transforming algorithmic agency and resistance into a political struggle capable of taking direct action on behalf of the community to structurally oppose the increasing prevalence of automated algorithmic solutionism and the technological terra nullius that legitimises generalised expropriation by techno-elite regimes, and to militantly transcend the kind of exclusion and exception, reductive abstraction and thoughtless optimisation that is driven forward by AI and other classist, racist and colonialist technologies of domination.

The mailing list will be used to announce face-to-face meetings. The meetings will be held with the intention of forming local communities that can then spin out into direct action cells and radical solidarity coordinations in order to facilitate the outbreak of “counter-violence” through offensive propaganda and insurrectionary desire against the shackles of the iron algorithmic state repression, digital authoritarianism and the techno-totalitarian colonial matrix of power.

* Please note that this page will be updated as more information becomes available.

TECHNOPOLITICS OF FRONTS: A preliminary version of an intertwined feedback loop outlining the concept of “Technopolitics of Fronts”, a broad intervention based on an action-oriented commitment to mutual constitutive solidarity and the application of feminist and decolonial methodologies to reclaim collective subjectivity and political agency in the context of necropolitical technologies that reinforce structural injustice, algorithmic states of exception, eugenic solutionism and bureaucratic cruelty. Download the diagram as a PDF | Diagram: © Algorithmic Sabotage Research Group

Supplemental Information #

Mailing List #

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  1. Alk, H. (Director) (1971) The Murder of Fred Hampton. Chicago, IL: The Film Group. ↩︎